Author: Jason with AI Assist

AI Assisted - Since I've been wanting to add more articles but I'm not good at getting started I am trying new technology to help me write these posts. I try to read over and correct where the AI went wrong but please let me know of anything I missed. As always, I am not a professional mechanic (or writer) but I take pride in fixing cars and not only keeping them going but making them better. I have slightly above average skills just like I would expect a lot of people who find this website do. Please follow my advice at your own risk... sometimes I fix things but sometimes I make them worse!

During the winter months, it’s important to keep your AGM car battery charged to avoid damage and extend its lifespan. Letting your car sit in the garage for an extended period can cause the battery to drain, leading to potential issues when you try to start your car. By following a few simple steps, you can easily keep your AGM car battery charged and ready to go when you need it.

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